New media for classical values

We are Statt, an innovative and agile paid digital marketing consultancy serving growth-oriented clients whose missions contribute to building a better world.

Menu of Services

A sample selection of popular services we offer to our clients. We are nimble and cater our services to fit your business goals.

  • Acquire new email addresses through the use of petitions, polls. Large email lists can be leveraged for donor cultivation and an added revenue stream (list rentals, email sponsors).

  • Expand to cold audiences and cultivate to convert to donors. Cultivate one-time and lapsed givers to become repeat donors.

  • Ensure you’re capturing relevant traffic to your site both organically and through paid acquisition and targeting

  • Present an issue or cause to hyper-targeted audiences and measure tangible lift in ad recall.

  • Ensure constituents are aware and activated around key political issues.

  • Omnichannel promotion to increase podcast downloads.

  • Expand the reach of your content and increase channel subscribers. An accelerated path to additional revenue stream with Youtube channel monetization.

  • Increase your target audience’s investment in the cause by promoting relevant content to them in the days leading up to the mail drop.

How we’ve moved the needle for our clients.